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When considering the support needs of your child, educational programs should reflect the key learning areas (KLAs) as well as areas that support access to the KLAs, such as communication.
All states have statutory bodies which regulate key learning areas (KLAs). In NSW, there are six primary school and eight secondary school key learning areas, such as English, Mathematics and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE). Programming within each key learning area (KLA) should take into account your child’s individual needs. A learning support plan should be consistent with the KLA syllabuses and support documents.
It is important that accommodations and adjustments are put in place which meet your child’s identified needs and are:
If your child is a secondary-age student, you and your child should consider the current requirements for credentialing either through meeting the study requirements (with support through special provisions, as appropriate), or through a special program of study.
Implementing a learning support plan can be achieved in a variety of ways including:
To support access to the key learning areas, your child’s support needs in communication and social skills may also need to be addressed.
Communication can involve facial expression and body language, as well as spoken, sign and written language.
The level of support may vary and include:
Social skills
Social skills are important to help your child work and play with others. The development of social skills begins early in childhood and continues to adulthood. Some of the important skills include: facial expressions, social distance, greeting others, eye contact and making conversation. In order to develop social skills a consistent approach needs to be used both at home and at school.
The level of support may vary and include:
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Information supplied by: NSW Department of Education
Extract from “Who’s Going to Teach my Child – A guide for parents of children with special learning needs.”
NSW Department of Education and Training, 1999.
Reproduced with permission.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is not intended as a substitute for independent professional advice.