Teens dealing with social isolation

It is quite normal for our teens who are deaf or hard of hearing to feel isolated at times. However, if they are experiencing persistent feelings of loneliness, it’s important to seek solutions. There are things your teen can do to feel less isolated:

1. Talk

Encourage them to reach out to you (parent/carer) or another trusted adult, such as a family member, teacher, doctor or counsellor. It is important that we acknowledge their feelings of loneliness or isolation as being valid. Talking to their trusted friends can help too.

2. Join a deaf teen community

Urge your child to join a deaf teen community for understanding and shared coping strategies.

3. Engage in positive activities

Doing something they love, such as a hobby, is a good way to distract themselves.

4. Encourage healthy habits

Habits such as staying active, eating well, practicing selfcare, and maintaining good sleeping routines.

Social isolation is something that thrives in a vacuum; the less your child talks about it, the more powerful it will feel. Reaching out for help is always the right first step.

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