It is important to understand your rights as a parent or caregiver and the rights of your child.
As a parent or caregiver you have a right to:
- Confidentiality
between yourself and the school
between service providers and the school
- Consultation
about the range of educational services available
about assessment materials and procedures
about your child’s educational program
about your child’s placement
- Participation
in your child’s assessment
in the planning and review of educational programs
in the review of placement
- Support
from school and district personnel
from an advocate if desired
from a nominated support person such as a family member, friend or community liaison officer
from an accredited interpreter
Your child has a right to:
- Confidentiality
between parents or caregivers and the school
between service providers and the school
- Information
about assessment materials and procedures
about their educational programs
- Participation
in the appraisal process
in the planning and review of their programs
in the review of placement
- Support
from school and district personnel
from an advocate if desired
from a nominated person such as a family member, friend or community liaison officer
from an accredited interpreter.
Related articles
Information supplied by: NSW Department of Education
Extract from “Who’s Going to Teach my Child – a guide for parents of children with special learning needs.”
NSW Department of Education and Training, 1999.
Reproduced with permission.
More information