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Sound Waves is a booklet in five parts developed by Aussie Deaf Kids.
Each section is also available as a PDF for you to download.
A print version will be available soon.
Receiving a diagnosis that your young son or daughter has unilateral hearing loss is undoubtedly a challenging time for families. The news often comes as a shock, and it’s common for parents to feel overwhelmed, especially if you have limited knowledge about hearing loss in children. There’s so much to learn and understand.
When my daughter was diagnosed with profound unilateral hearing loss in her left ear at the age of four, it didn’t come as a complete surprise, since she had been slow to start talking. Still, the diagnosis consumed me for a while. I found myself imagining what the world must sound like to her, reflecting on all the stories I had read to her that she might not have heard clearly, and all the times I had whispered ‘I love you’ into her left ear. A thousand questions ran through my head, the biggest being about her future, especially as she prepared to start school. I wished for a crystal ball to see what lay ahead.
What I learned during this time was that, while I worried, my daughter was busy enjoying life. With our love and support, she has followed her dreams and thrived in her own way.
Every family’s story is unique. Whether you discover your baby’s hearing loss through newborn screening or later in childhood, it’s crucial to have the right information and knowledge to guide your decisions. This will help you raise a happy, confident, and independent young person.
This booklet is the third edition of Sound Waves. Since the last edition, services and supports for children with unilateral hearing loss have significantly improved. Research on unilateral hearing loss and its management has grown exponentially over the past ten years. However, our goal for this edition remains the same: to provide families with a guide to help lay the foundations for their child to grow into a healthy adult—someone who can work, play, and love. We have drawn on the latest research on unilateral hearing loss and the experiences and insights of families participating in the Aussie Deaf Kids online group.
Aussie Deaf Kids could not have produced this edition of the booklet without the support of the Community Underwriting Foundation, and we are very grateful for their assistance.
Ann Porter AM
Founder – Aussie Deaf Kids
P.S. We use the abbreviation UHL (unilateral hearing loss) throughout this edition.
This booklet was developed by Aussie Deaf Kids, an organisation dedicated to improving the outcomes of children with hearing loss by providing support and information to their families across Australia.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to this resource over the years. Your expertise and guidance have been invaluable. Special thanks to the parents in our online community who generously shared their experiences and insights, helping us address the needs of families starting their journey with a child with unilateral hearing loss.
Aussie Deaf Kids could not have produced this edition of the booklet without the support of the
Community Underwriting Small Grants Program.
© Aussie Deaf Kids 2024
You may download and distribute this material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for non-commercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is not intended as a substitute for independent professional advice.