Lost eligibility

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Children become ineligible for Hearing Australia’s program when they turn 26. Other clients may lose eligibility due to a change in personal circumstances. Your audiologist will discuss your own situation with you.

When you become ineligible for Hearing Australia’s program, the services you can receive from Hearing Australia change. It is important to understand these changes so that you can plan for your future hearing needs.

Minor maintenance services possible for 5 years

Hearing Australia will continue to provide minor maintenance services for 5 years after you lose eligibility.  The information below summarises the services you can receive.

  • Earmoulds – Yes
  • Minor hearing aid and cochlear implant speech processor repairs** – Yes
  • Replacement hearing aids – No
  • Replacement cochlear implant speech processor – No
  • Major hearing aid or speech processor repairs – No
  • Hearing tests – No
  • Batteries – No

 **Please note that minor repairs do not include replacement of electrical components of the hearing aid/speech processor or cochlear implant coils, cables and magnets.

You may be eligible for our services for other reasons

It is possible that you may now meet other eligibility criteria that entitle you to services through the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. Ask your audiologist at Hearing Australia.

Plan for the future

You will need audiological care throughout your life.  It is in your best interests to start looking for a hearing services provider who can help you manage your hearing and hearing aid needs in the long term.  Some of the factors we recommend you consider are:

  • Has the practitioner completed recognised training in hearing care?
    Audiologists have undertaken a Post Graduate degree in Clinical Audiology at university.  Most Audiometrists have completed a Certificate IV TAFE course in hearing assessment and hearing aid dispensing.
  • Are they a member of a recognised professional society?
    Audiology Australia and the Australian College of Audiology (ACAud) are two professional associations that require its members to demonstrate certain competencies, to keep up to date with professional issues, and to be bound by a professional code of ethics.
  • Does the practitioner have experience with your type of hearing loss or hearing aid?
    This is particularly important if you have a severe or profound hearing loss or use a less common device such as a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid or Cochlear Implant.
  • Do you feel comfortable discussing your needs and concerns with the practitioner?
Hearing aids don’t last forever

Hearing aids and cochlear implant speech processors are expensive.

  • If you are about to lose eligibility for the government’s hearing services program, plan ahead for the new hearing devices you may eventually purchase.
  • Investigate whether private health insurance is an option for you as most offer some rebate on hearing aids.
  • And seriously consider insuring these precious items against loss or damage.

If you have any questions about what happens after you lose eligibility, ask your Hearing Australia audiologist who will be happy to help.

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For more information

Information provided by Hearing Australia. Reproduced with permission.




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