You are here: Home » Resources » Language and communication » Australian Sign Language » How and where can I learn Auslan?
Why you want to learn Auslan will guide you in the quality of instruction needed and the best style of delivery. For example, learning from online resources is sufficient for parents who want a basic understanding. However, if your child requires continuous signing for language development, a more formal mode of instruction will be necessary.
Consider the age of your child who is deaf or hard of hearing and the family dynamics. The frequency, duration, structure and formality of lessons will vary based on these factors.
Ideally, learning Auslan from someone who is qualified and within the Deaf community is best. Regular practice is essential, and involvement with the Deaf Community can enhance your learning.
Whether you are using NDIS funding or not, it is important that your provider has appropriate Auslan qualifications, training and safety checks, including a working with children check. NDIS approved tutors should have the necessary accreditation but it is still best to ask.
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DeafNav have a guide to where these courses are available in each state/territory.
Numerous private companies provide Auslan tutoring. There are benefits to going privately, such as, being able to choose a local provider who can come to the home, or they may be able to provide other flexible delivery options. However, they are usually more expensive, so contact them to find out about cost and availability.
Teacher of the Deaf (TOD) – some TOD’s will tutor Auslan outside of school.
There are also other resources available to help you learn Auslan, including books, videos, flashcards, apps, and websites. Take advantage of these resources to practice your skills and improve your vocabulary.
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Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is not intended as a substitute for independent professional advice.