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Public schools
Department of Education and Training
Catholic schools
Catholic Education WA
Independent schools
Association of Independent Schools of WA
There are two providers of support services for deaf students in schools in Western Australia.
School for Special Educational Needs: Sensory
The Department of Education and Training provides a statewide co-ordinated support service for children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing through the School for Special Educational Needs: Sensory
Parents are provided with a choice of educational settings for their children, ranging from an inclusive placement in a regular school, through to a metropolitan specialist school.
Mosman Park Primary School
91 Victoria Street
Mosman Park WA 6012
Phone: 08 9384 2088
Telethon Speech & Hearing
Telethon Speech & Hearing provides a choice of primary and secondary school programs that offer extra support to hearing-impaired students in mainstream classes in regular schools.
The schools currently offering these programs include:
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