Early intervention services – NT

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Children who are deaf or hard of hearing can access specialist early intervention services provided by some state governments or NDIS provider organisations specialising in early intervention services for children with hearing loss and their families.

The Australian Government funds the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which offers support to children with hearing loss younger than 9 years old and their families.

At your first appointment with Hearing Australia, the audiologist will discuss the NDIS with you and inform you about the NDIS early childhood partner in your local area. Your NDIS early childhood partner will support you in applying for the NDIS on your child’s behalf. Your child with permanent hearing loss can access the supports they need earlier through the NDIS Pathway Hearing Stream. 

The information provided in the table below lists the organisations who provide specialist early intervention services for children with hearing loss and their families.

Contact detailsPhone: 07 3892 8500
SMS: 0447 003 676
Website: Click here.
NDIS Registered Service ProviderYes
Services providedTelepractice
Assessment and therapy support from Speech Language Pathologists and Teachers of the Deaf
For infants, children and adults
Location of servicesHear for Kids Telepractice (Northern Territory-wide)
Contact detailsDarwin
Suite 1, 90 Ross Smith Avenue
Fannie Bay NT 0820
Phone: 1300 581 391
Website: Click here.
NDIS Registered Service ProviderYes
Services providedServices provided by video-conferencing
Individualised program
Assist parents to develop skills to support child
Parent education
Cochlear implant and mapping services (bulk billing and funding options available)
Communication optionsAuditory-verbal




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