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Online content and social media manager

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What is the job you love?

I am an Online Content and Social Media Manager for a financial services company, and I love it – it is my dream job!

How did you get into this line of work?

I studied a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, majoring in Journalism at university, and thought I would become a journalist because I loved to write. However, after doing lots of work experience (at the ABC, SBS, Channel 7, Rolling Stone Magazine) during university, I decided that being a print or broadcast journalist was not my dream job, but being involved in websites and the internet was more exciting. So I went on to do further study at TAFE – Interactive Multimedia, which meant I had the skills to become a web designer. I then started designing and building websites for people before applying for jobs at big corporations and becoming an Online Manager.

What is the best part about your job?

Being able to rewrite things so that they read better on the web. There is a particular art to writing for the online sphere, and I get great satisfaction from “tidying up” content. I also love to manage websites and my company’s social media, and to organise all the content on them in a way people can find it easily. And I love being the only employee at work who is legitimately allowed to check Facebook, You Tube and Twitter every day!

What are some of the challenges of your job?

Keeping up-to-date with all the technological advances and innovations. You have to be constantly learning!

What advice would you give a deaf or hard of hearing person who is looking for a career like yours?

Further education/training is important (and it doesn’t matter if it’s TAFE, university or any other educational facility). Work experience is one of the key ways you can get a job in online. Offering to build a friend a website is also a great way to get experience. I volunteered my expertise to some non-profit groups to build their website for free, and I put this on my resume once I had done it. Once you have a good education behind you, and lots of work experience (even 1 week, or 1 day here and there), then it won’t matter if you are deaf. You will have shown the employer that you are keen, and that’s what often matters most.

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