Landscape gardener

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What is the job you love?

I am a landscape gardener and have other business interests as well. I am a first grade cricketer and also coach cricket in the evening.

How did you get into this line of work?

I have always thought that it is good to have a hobby and turn that into a career. A hobby is something you enjoy and you are good at, so it is a natural place to look when thinking about a career.  I knew I wanted to play cricket when I finished school but I also enjoyed working in the garden. I realised I could do two things I enjoyed – play cricket and landscape gardening. I always hear people say that they don’t enjoy their job, but when a hobby can become a job, you enjoy your work. I did an apprenticeship in landscape gardening so I knew I had something to fall back on after cricket.

What is the best part about your job?

The freedom. The flexibility. Working in the open. Cricket always came first and this way I can play cricket and work. My landscape business is called Hands On Garden. I wanted to convey the ideas of Auslan as well as the hands-on aspects of landscape gardening.

What are some of the challenges of the job?

Life is a challenge if you let it become a challenge. I am a very positive so tend not to let a challenge get to me. I turn around and do the best I can.  The main challenge with running a business is the phone. I don’t always understand what is being said or the context.  I tend to ask customers and suppliers to put things in an email so I have it all in black and white.

What advice would you give a deaf or hard of hearing  person who is looking for a career like yours?

Work hard. Be reliable. Do the little things right too – it all adds up and makes you successful. Don’t be afraid of doing work experience. I had thought of being a shopfitter but when I did work experience, I realised it wasn’t for me. If you can find good mentors, it really helps. I have two mentors – one who has guided me in my businesses and the other with cricket. I have learnt a lot from them – particularly how they talk and relate to people.  Follow your heart and take the options that present themselves to you.

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For more information on becoming a landscape gardener




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