Financial assistance

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Young people might be eligible for financial support while studying or seeking employment.

Youth Allowance

Youth Allowance can assist a young person who is studying, undertaking training or an Australian Apprenticeship, looking for work, or sick.

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ABSTUDY helps Indigenous secondary or tertiary student or a full-time Australian Apprentice to stay at school or go on to further studies. It consists of a fortnightly living allowance as well as additional components to help with the costs associated with attending school.

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JobSeeker Payment

Financial help if you’re between 22 and Age Pension age and looking for work. It’s also for when you’re sick or injured and can’t do your usual work or study for a short time.

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Youth Disability Supplement

Additional financial support to young people with a physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability who receive certain income support payments.

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Disability Support Pension

The Disability Support Pension is a payment for people whose physical, intellectual or psychiatric impairment prevents them from working.

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