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After diagnosis
Useful links
Explore this section
After diagnosis
Building blocks
From us to you
Your support team
Communicating with your baby
About Hearing Australia
Your paediatric appointment program
Negotiating the health system
Hospital admissions – Public vs Private
Questions to ask your child’s surgeon
Building Blocks: Grandparents
You and your grandchild
Useful links
Your child’s hearing
Hearing loss
How do we hear?
Signs of hearing in babies
How audiologists test hearing
Describing hearing loss
Describing the severity of a hearing loss
Causes of hearing loss
Causes of hearing loss – in brief
Medical assessments for children with a permanent hearing loss
What can genetics referral offer my family?
How genetic counselling works in practice
Understanding genetic inheritance
The genetics of hearing loss
Syndromal causes of deafness
Genetic testing in pregnancy
Genetics counselling services
Genetics of deafness – a glossary
Temporary causes of hearing loss
Glue ear: A guide for parents
Ear wax management
Acquired hearing loss
Conditions associated with hearing loss
Hearing aids
What do hearing aids do?
The process of getting the right hearing instruments
How do audiologists select hearing aids?
Assessing a child’s aided hearing
Can hearing aids damage hearing?
Using hearing aids with babies aged 0 – 6 months
Using hearing aids with babies over 6 months
Handling your baby’s hearing aids – a checklist
Looking after hearing aids
Hearing aid care
Handy hints about ear moulds
Hearing aid troubleshooting
Getting used to hearing aids
Enhancing communication with hearing impaired children
Cochlear implants
A brief overview of cochlear implants
Who uses a cochlear implant?
What is a cochlear implant?
Assessment for a cochlear implant
Surgery for a cochlear implant
Follow up and habilitation
Communication and habilitation – cochlear implants
Safety information for cochlear implants
Families’ stories
Other implantable devices
Assistive listening devices
Remote microphone technology
All about FM
Audio frequency induction loops
Loop systems at home
TV and captions for deaf children
Soundfield systems
Other communication devices
Adolescents and young adults with hearing loss
A challenging age to have a hearing loss
Hearing services for young adults
Lost eligibility
Purchasing a hearing aid
Staying in touch on the phone
Mild hearing loss
Babies with a possible mild hearing loss
Your baby has a mild hearing loss – what’s the next step?
Your child has a mild hearing loss – what’s the next step?
Management of children with a permanent unaided hearing loss
Unilateral hearing loss
Sound Waves
Sound Waves – Understanding UHL
Sound Waves – Early days
Sound Waves – Speech & Language
Sound Waves – Management of UHL
Sound Waves – Living with UHL
Your baby has a unilateral hearing loss – What’s the next step?
A child with microtia and atresia
Deaf children with additional needs
Additional needs – Introduction
Finding out your deaf child has additional needs
Communication for children with additional needs
Hearing aids and cochlear implants for deaf children with additional needs
Parenting tips for deaf children with additional needs
Information and resources for some additional needs
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder – ANSD
Oliver’s Story
A letter to professionals
Language and communication
Getting started
Making choices about communication
A quick guide to communication
Language and learning
Building conversations
Building concepts
Positive parenting
Learning from my family
Learning through play
Learning with a hearing loss
Building a loving, learning and language rich environment through play and positive daily interaction
Brothers and sisters and communication
Activities for home
Milestones of speech and language
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 0 – 12 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 12 – 18 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 18 – 24 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 24 – 30 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 30 – 36 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 3 – 4 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 4 – 5 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 5 – 6 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 6+ years
Australian Sign Language
Terminology for deafness
Where did sign languages come from?
How do children learn sign languages?
Australian Deaf Community
Deaf culture
Sign language variation
Early exposure to sign language: An advantage to parents and children
How and where can I learn Auslan?
Auslan Resources
Spoken language
Good modelling for speech and language
Play and games and the development of speech and language
Deaf and migrant
Book sharing with your child
Reading to deaf children: Learning from Deaf adults
Books for families to enjoy
Reading to deaf children – A look at the research
Early Intervention
Getting started with early intervention
Questions for Early Intervention providers
Finding an early intervention service
Early intervention services – ACT
Early intervention services – NSW
Early intervention services – NT
Early intervention services – QLD
Early intervention services – SA
Early intervention services – TAS
Early intervention services – VIC
Early intervention services – WA
Transition to school
Starting school
Choosing a school for your child
Starting school checklist
What is inclusive education?
Preparing your child for school
Preparing your child for lessons
Support at school
Your child’s learning support team
Evaluating your child’s support needs
Your child’s individual learning plan
Parents and school
Supporting your child’s learning
Working with professionals
Rights of the parent and child at school
Find a primary school
Find a school – ACT
Find a school – NSW
Find a school – NT
Find a school – QLD
Find a school – SA
Find a school – TAS
Find a school – VIC
Find a school – WA
Your child at secondary school
Starting secondary school
Preparing for the move to secondary school
Understanding and supporting teen students with hearing loss
Transition Planning – School Leavers
Information for your child’s teacher
Classroom tips
How listener friendly is your classroom?
Listening fatigue at school
eBook for teachers
Further reading for teachers
Behaviour and mental health
Growing up with a hearing loss
Socialising with a hearing loss
Theory of Mind and children with hearing loss
Behaviour and mental health – Babies
Behaviour and mental health – Preschoolers
Promoting a sense of wellbeing in young children
Behaviour and mental health – primary years
Behaviour and mental health – teens
Maximising potential – Life skills
Potential maximisation: Attributes of control
Potential maximisation: Attributes of desire
Potential maximisation: Attributes of goal orientation
Potential maximisation: Attributes of reframing
Potential maximisation: Tactics of persistence
Potential maximisation: Tactics of goodness of fit
Potential maximisation: Tactics of learned creativity
Potential maximisation: Social ecologies
Tips for coaches
Sport modifications
The Deaflympic Games
Beyond school
Vocational education and training
Transition from school to TAFE
Financial assistance
I love my job – career stories
Academic and writer
Electrical engineer
Landscape gardener
Online content and social media manager
Sports administrator
Teacher of the deaf
Possibilities and Pathways: A resource for families of children who have a hearing loss
QLD Healthy Hearing Program
What will happen when my baby’s hearing is tested?
NSW Statewide Infant Screening – Hearing (SWISH) program
ranslations of NSW Statewide Infant Screening – Hearing (SWISH) Program fact sheets
| NSW Health
Infant Hearing: From screening to early intervention
Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program
After diagnosis
Building blocks
From us to you
Your support team
Communicating with your baby
About Hearing Australia
Your paediatric appointment program
Negotiating the health system
Hospital admissions – Public vs Private
Questions to ask your child’s surgeon
Building Blocks: Grandparents
You and your grandchild
Useful links
Your child’s hearing
Hearing loss
How do we hear?
Signs of hearing in babies
How audiologists test hearing
Describing hearing loss
Describing the severity of a hearing loss
Causes of hearing loss
Causes of hearing loss – in brief
Medical assessments for children with a permanent hearing loss
What can genetics referral offer my family?
How genetic counselling works in practice
Understanding genetic inheritance
The genetics of hearing loss
Syndromal causes of deafness
Genetic testing in pregnancy
Genetics counselling services
Genetics of deafness – a glossary
Temporary causes of hearing loss
Glue ear: A guide for parents
Ear wax management
Acquired hearing loss
Conditions associated with hearing loss
Hearing aids
What do hearing aids do?
The process of getting the right hearing instruments
How do audiologists select hearing aids?
Assessing a child’s aided hearing
Can hearing aids damage hearing?
Using hearing aids with babies aged 0 – 6 months
Using hearing aids with babies over 6 months
Handling your baby’s hearing aids – a checklist
Looking after hearing aids
Hearing aid care
Handy hints about ear moulds
Hearing aid troubleshooting
Getting used to hearing aids
Enhancing communication with hearing impaired children
Cochlear implants
A brief overview of cochlear implants
Who uses a cochlear implant?
What is a cochlear implant?
Assessment for a cochlear implant
Surgery for a cochlear implant
Follow up and habilitation
Communication and habilitation – cochlear implants
Safety information for cochlear implants
Families’ stories
Other implantable devices
Assistive listening devices
Remote microphone technology
All about FM
Audio frequency induction loops
Loop systems at home
TV and captions for deaf children
Soundfield systems
Other communication devices
Adolescents and young adults with hearing loss
A challenging age to have a hearing loss
Hearing services for young adults
Lost eligibility
Purchasing a hearing aid
Staying in touch on the phone
Mild hearing loss
Babies with a possible mild hearing loss
Your baby has a mild hearing loss – what’s the next step?
Your child has a mild hearing loss – what’s the next step?
Management of children with a permanent unaided hearing loss
Unilateral hearing loss
Sound Waves
Sound Waves – Understanding UHL
Sound Waves – Early days
Sound Waves – Speech & Language
Sound Waves – Management of UHL
Sound Waves – Living with UHL
Your baby has a unilateral hearing loss – What’s the next step?
A child with microtia and atresia
Deaf children with additional needs
Additional needs – Introduction
Finding out your deaf child has additional needs
Communication for children with additional needs
Hearing aids and cochlear implants for deaf children with additional needs
Parenting tips for deaf children with additional needs
Information and resources for some additional needs
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder – ANSD
Oliver’s Story
A letter to professionals
Language and communication
Getting started
Making choices about communication
A quick guide to communication
Language and learning
Building conversations
Building concepts
Positive parenting
Learning from my family
Learning through play
Learning with a hearing loss
Building a loving, learning and language rich environment through play and positive daily interaction
Brothers and sisters and communication
Activities for home
Milestones of speech and language
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 0 – 12 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 12 – 18 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 18 – 24 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 24 – 30 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 30 – 36 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 3 – 4 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 4 – 5 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 5 – 6 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 6+ years
Australian Sign Language
Terminology for deafness
Where did sign languages come from?
How do children learn sign languages?
Australian Deaf Community
Deaf culture
Sign language variation
Early exposure to sign language: An advantage to parents and children
How and where can I learn Auslan?
Auslan Resources
Spoken language
Good modelling for speech and language
Play and games and the development of speech and language
Deaf and migrant
Book sharing with your child
Reading to deaf children: Learning from Deaf adults
Books for families to enjoy
Reading to deaf children – A look at the research
Early Intervention
Getting started with early intervention
Questions for Early Intervention providers
Finding an early intervention service
Early intervention services – ACT
Early intervention services – NSW
Early intervention services – NT
Early intervention services – QLD
Early intervention services – SA
Early intervention services – TAS
Early intervention services – VIC
Early intervention services – WA
Transition to school
Starting school
Choosing a school for your child
Starting school checklist
What is inclusive education?
Preparing your child for school
Preparing your child for lessons
Support at school
Your child’s learning support team
Evaluating your child’s support needs
Your child’s individual learning plan
Parents and school
Supporting your child’s learning
Working with professionals
Rights of the parent and child at school
Find a primary school
Find a school – ACT
Find a school – NSW
Find a school – NT
Find a school – QLD
Find a school – SA
Find a school – TAS
Find a school – VIC
Find a school – WA
Your child at secondary school
Starting secondary school
Preparing for the move to secondary school
Understanding and supporting teen students with hearing loss
Transition Planning – School Leavers
Information for your child’s teacher
Classroom tips
How listener friendly is your classroom?
Listening fatigue at school
eBook for teachers
Further reading for teachers
Behaviour and mental health
Growing up with a hearing loss
Socialising with a hearing loss
Theory of Mind and children with hearing loss
Behaviour and mental health – Babies
Behaviour and mental health – Preschoolers
Promoting a sense of wellbeing in young children
Behaviour and mental health – primary years
Behaviour and mental health – teens
Maximising potential – Life skills
Potential maximisation: Attributes of control
Potential maximisation: Attributes of desire
Potential maximisation: Attributes of goal orientation
Potential maximisation: Attributes of reframing
Potential maximisation: Tactics of persistence
Potential maximisation: Tactics of goodness of fit
Potential maximisation: Tactics of learned creativity
Potential maximisation: Social ecologies
Tips for coaches
Sport modifications
The Deaflympic Games
Beyond school
Vocational education and training
Transition from school to TAFE
Financial assistance
I love my job – career stories
Academic and writer
Electrical engineer
Landscape gardener
Online content and social media manager
Sports administrator
Teacher of the deaf
After diagnosis
Building blocks
From us to you
Your support team
Communicating with your baby
About Hearing Australia
Your paediatric appointment program
Negotiating the health system
Hospital admissions – Public vs Private
Questions to ask your child’s surgeon
Building Blocks: Grandparents
You and your grandchild
Useful links
Your child’s hearing
Hearing loss
How do we hear?
Signs of hearing in babies
How audiologists test hearing
Describing hearing loss
Describing the severity of a hearing loss
Causes of hearing loss
Causes of hearing loss – in brief
Medical assessments for children with a permanent hearing loss
What can genetics referral offer my family?
How genetic counselling works in practice
Understanding genetic inheritance
The genetics of hearing loss
Syndromal causes of deafness
Genetic testing in pregnancy
Genetics counselling services
Genetics of deafness – a glossary
Temporary causes of hearing loss
Glue ear: A guide for parents
Ear wax management
Acquired hearing loss
Conditions associated with hearing loss
Hearing aids
What do hearing aids do?
The process of getting the right hearing instruments
How do audiologists select hearing aids?
Assessing a child’s aided hearing
Can hearing aids damage hearing?
Using hearing aids with babies aged 0 – 6 months
Using hearing aids with babies over 6 months
Handling your baby’s hearing aids – a checklist
Looking after hearing aids
Hearing aid care
Handy hints about ear moulds
Hearing aid troubleshooting
Getting used to hearing aids
Enhancing communication with hearing impaired children
Cochlear implants
A brief overview of cochlear implants
Who uses a cochlear implant?
What is a cochlear implant?
Assessment for a cochlear implant
Surgery for a cochlear implant
Follow up and habilitation
Communication and habilitation – cochlear implants
Safety information for cochlear implants
Families’ stories
Other implantable devices
Assistive listening devices
Remote microphone technology
All about FM
Audio frequency induction loops
Loop systems at home
TV and captions for deaf children
Soundfield systems
Other communication devices
Adolescents and young adults with hearing loss
A challenging age to have a hearing loss
Hearing services for young adults
Lost eligibility
Purchasing a hearing aid
Staying in touch on the phone
Mild hearing loss
Babies with a possible mild hearing loss
Your baby has a mild hearing loss – what’s the next step?
Your child has a mild hearing loss – what’s the next step?
Management of children with a permanent unaided hearing loss
Unilateral hearing loss
Sound Waves
Sound Waves – Understanding UHL
Sound Waves – Early days
Sound Waves – Speech & Language
Sound Waves – Management of UHL
Sound Waves – Living with UHL
Your baby has a unilateral hearing loss – What’s the next step?
A child with microtia and atresia
Deaf children with additional needs
Additional needs – Introduction
Finding out your deaf child has additional needs
Communication for children with additional needs
Hearing aids and cochlear implants for deaf children with additional needs
Parenting tips for deaf children with additional needs
Information and resources for some additional needs
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder – ANSD
Oliver’s Story
A letter to professionals
Language and communication
Getting started
Making choices about communication
A quick guide to communication
Language and learning
Building conversations
Building concepts
Positive parenting
Learning from my family
Learning through play
Learning with a hearing loss
Building a loving, learning and language rich environment through play and positive daily interaction
Brothers and sisters and communication
Activities for home
Milestones of speech and language
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 0 – 12 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 12 – 18 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 18 – 24 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 24 – 30 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 30 – 36 months
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 3 – 4 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 4 – 5 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 5 – 6 years
Milestones of speech, language and communication development: 6+ years
Australian Sign Language
Terminology for deafness
Where did sign languages come from?
How do children learn sign languages?
Australian Deaf Community
Deaf culture
Sign language variation
Early exposure to sign language: An advantage to parents and children
How and where can I learn Auslan?
Auslan Resources
Spoken language
Good modelling for speech and language
Play and games and the development of speech and language
Deaf and migrant
Book sharing with your child
Reading to deaf children: Learning from Deaf adults
Books for families to enjoy
Reading to deaf children – A look at the research
Early Intervention
Getting started with early intervention
Questions for Early Intervention providers
Finding an early intervention service
Early intervention services – ACT
Early intervention services – NSW
Early intervention services – NT
Early intervention services – QLD
Early intervention services – SA
Early intervention services – TAS
Early intervention services – VIC
Early intervention services – WA
Transition to school
Starting school
Choosing a school for your child
Starting school checklist
What is inclusive education?
Preparing your child for school
Preparing your child for lessons
Support at school
Your child’s learning support team
Evaluating your child’s support needs
Your child’s individual learning plan
Parents and school
Supporting your child’s learning
Working with professionals
Rights of the parent and child at school
Find a primary school
Find a school – ACT
Find a school – NSW
Find a school – NT
Find a school – QLD
Find a school – SA
Find a school – TAS
Find a school – VIC
Find a school – WA
Your child at secondary school
Starting secondary school
Preparing for the move to secondary school
Understanding and supporting teen students with hearing loss
Transition Planning – School Leavers
Information for your child’s teacher
Classroom tips
How listener friendly is your classroom?
Listening fatigue at school
eBook for teachers
Further reading for teachers
Behaviour and mental health
Growing up with a hearing loss
Socialising with a hearing loss
Theory of Mind and children with hearing loss
Behaviour and mental health – Babies
Behaviour and mental health – Preschoolers
Promoting a sense of wellbeing in young children
Behaviour and mental health – primary years
Behaviour and mental health – teens
Maximising potential – Life skills
Potential maximisation: Attributes of control
Potential maximisation: Attributes of desire
Potential maximisation: Attributes of goal orientation
Potential maximisation: Attributes of reframing
Potential maximisation: Tactics of persistence
Potential maximisation: Tactics of goodness of fit
Potential maximisation: Tactics of learned creativity
Potential maximisation: Social ecologies
Tips for coaches
Sport modifications
The Deaflympic Games
Beyond school
Vocational education and training
Transition from school to TAFE
Financial assistance
I love my job – career stories
Academic and writer
Electrical engineer
Landscape gardener
Online content and social media manager
Sports administrator
Teacher of the deaf
Real Life Tips
Communication – Real Life Tips
Education – Real Life Tips
Entertainment – Real Life Tips
Family – Real Life Tips
Financial – Real Life Tips
Hearing devices – Real Life Tips
Knowledge and skills – Real Life Tips
Medical – Real Life Tips
Music – Real Life Tips
Safety – Real Life Tips
Sports and activities – Real Life Tips
Wellbeing – Real Life Tips
ADK online group
Terms and Conditions for Online Group Users
Child safety and wellbeing
Child safeguarding
Sharing photos and information online
Making good decisions
Making informed choices
Finding accurate and reliable information
Finding the latest research
Keeping records
You and your deaf child – a guide for fathers
National Disability Insurance Scheme
NDIS Resources
Parent support
Parent support groups
Parent mentoring programs
Useful links
Participate in research
Information for researchers
Standards and guidelines
Advocating for your child
Self-advocacy skills for your child
Financial matters
General financial assistance for families
Financial assistance for families with a child with disability
Assisted travel schemes
Perspectives of deafness
Terminology for deafness
Australian Deaf Community
Deaf culture
Re-imagining stories: What if Estella or Jane Eyre had been deaf?
Family stories
Deafness and the law
Real Life Tips
Communication – Real Life Tips
Education – Real Life Tips
Entertainment – Real Life Tips
Family – Real Life Tips
Financial – Real Life Tips
Hearing devices – Real Life Tips
Knowledge and skills – Real Life Tips
Medical – Real Life Tips
Music – Real Life Tips
Safety – Real Life Tips
Sports and activities – Real Life Tips
Wellbeing – Real Life Tips
ADK online group
Terms and Conditions for Online Group Users
Child safety and wellbeing
Child safeguarding
Sharing photos and information online
Making good decisions
Making informed choices
Finding accurate and reliable information
Finding the latest research
Keeping records
You and your deaf child – a guide for fathers
National Disability Insurance Scheme
NDIS Resources
Parent support
Parent support groups
Parent mentoring programs
Useful links
Participate in research
Information for researchers
Standards and guidelines
Advocating for your child
Self-advocacy skills for your child
Financial matters
General financial assistance for families
Financial assistance for families with a child with disability
Assisted travel schemes
Perspectives of deafness
Terminology for deafness
Australian Deaf Community
Deaf culture
Re-imagining stories: What if Estella or Jane Eyre had been deaf?
Family stories
Deafness and the law
About ADK
About us
What we do
Our people
Annual reports
Make a donation
Privacy statement
Accessibility policy
Complaints policy
Contact us
About us
What we do
Our people
Annual reports
Make a donation
Privacy statement
Accessibility policy
Complaints policy
Contact us
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