About Hearing Australia

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Hearing Australia is a Commonwealth Government Authority that is dedicated to helping people manage their hearing impairment to improve their quality of life. Hearing Australia provides a full range of hearing services to children and young people up to 26 years of age, aged pensioners and most war veterans.

Hearing Australia was established by the Federal Government in 1947 at assist World War II veterans with ear damage and to help the large number of children born deaf following the rubella epidemic of the late 1940s. It is now one of the largest and most comprehensive providers of hearing services in the world.

Their national Children’s Services Program supports children who have a hearing loss and their families. The aim is to optimise each child’s speech, education and communication development.

The Federal Government funds this program and there is no charge for the services. If a child is fitted with a hearing aid, families are required only to pay a small fee each year for maintenance of the device and batteries.

The Hearing Australia Children’s Services Program includes:

  • Comprehensive hearing assessments for children of all ages
  • Individual assessments of each child’s and family’s needs
  • Fitting of the latest technology hearing aids where appropriate
  • Fitting of other devices (FM systems and tactile aids) where appropriate
  • Evaluation of the fitting and the child’s performance with hearing aids or other devices
  • Assessment of the child’s ability to hear speech
  • Regular monitoring of each child’s hearing and hearing aid benefit
  • Replacement and updating of devices as required
  • Regular visits to early intervention programs and educational facilities for hearing-impaired children
  • Support for teachers including advice on management of hearing aids and other devices in the classroom and detailed reports
  • On-the-spot repairs for the majority of devices
  • Batteries, replacement parts, repairs and upgrade processors for young children and young people using cochlear implants
  • Postal service for batteries and technical repairs
  • Information sessions for families, educators and community groups
  • Ear health care training for health workers in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Referral to other agencies where appropriate.

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Information provided by Hearing Australia. Reproduced with permission.





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