Research participation – Hearing healthcare transition experiences for emerging adults with hearing loss

Invitation to Participate in Research: R U Ready? How young people who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing experience hearing healthcare changeovers.

A team at the University of Queensland are exploring how young people who are deaf or hard of hearing move from childhood to adult hearing care.

This is the first study in a series aimed at involving young people who are deaf or hard of hearing. It is a chance for them to share their thoughts and shape what they need as they transition to adult hearing healthcare – especially when many of them age out of the Hearing Services Program on their 26th birthday.

What’s involved?
Young people are invited to make and share a creative work using a set of prompts.
Afterward, you will be asked to yarn with a researcher (in-person or online), or send a written explanation about your creative work. The research team will use this information to work with young people to co-create ways that could address their needs.

Who can take part?
Young people who are/have:

  • 16-26 years old, and receive hearing device and services funded by the Hearing Services Program,
  • May or may not have NDIS funding,
  • Mild-moderate, or moderate-severe hearing loss in one or both ears

How to sign up

Scan the QR code on the flyer, or register your interest to participate via a quick survey:

For questions or more information about the study, please email Jermy Pang at

More information:

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