Participate in research

Parent and Professionals’ Perspectives of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems for D/deaf Children with Complex Communication Needs

Are you the caregiver of a child, who

  • is deaf or hard of hearing
  • is enrolled in a primary special school
  • lives in Queensland, and
  • uses Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems?

You may be interested in participating in this research.

Children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) and have disabilities often face communicative challenges, resulting in the allocation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems, such as PODD books, PECS, and apps such as Proloquo2go.

Researchers at the School of Education at University of Newcastle are conducting a study on the process of choosing and using AAC with children who are deaf with disabilities.

This research will explore the perspectives of caregivers, educators and allied health practitioners of five children who are deaf or hard of hearing, in Queensland, attending a primary special school, and use AAC to identify current practices.

Caregivers will be invited to complete an online survey. Allied health practitioners and educators working with each case study child will then be invited to complete an online survey.

If you are interested, please click on the link below for the caregiver Participant Information Statement.

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