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As the parent of a child with a hearing loss, you will be encouraged to learn all you can about your child’s hearing. Accurate and reliable information will help you to make informed decisions about raising your deaf child. You will be provided with a variety of information resources and you may search for more information on the Internet.
How do you tell if a book or website is any good?
There has been a concerted attempt over the last few years to produce balanced information for families raising a deaf child. Don’t rely on one source of information. It s a good idea to read a number of sources about the topic you are interested in. This will help you judge whether the information is objective and detect any bias.
The questions below are a starting point for identifying information sources that are reliable and appropriate for your needs. These questions can be asked about the more traditional sources of information such as books, journals, magazines and television, as well as the Internet.
Parents are usually encouraged to contact other parents raising a deaf child and Deaf adults. They can be a rich source of information and provide an interesting and varied perspective on living with a deaf child. As with all other sources of information, do not rely on this information alone. Compare their information with other sources and seek the advice of professionals looking after your child.
Remember that information provided to families is designed to better educate you and is not a substitute for independent professional advice.
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Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is not intended as a substitute for independent professional advice.