Terms and Conditions for Online Group Users

The Aussie Deaf Kids online groups are operated for the purpose of providing online support and information for parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing and living in Australia.

The groups are moderated by experienced parents and are for general information only. They are not intended as a substitute for independent professional advice. Nothing contained in the online groups is intended to be used as medical advice or to diagnose or manage hearing loss. 

Aussie Deaf Kids prioritises the safety and wellbeing of children. Parents/caregivers joining our online groups must be aware of child safety principles and model behaviour and take actions that promotes the safety of both their children and those of other group members.

Aussie Deaf Kids Limited does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information.

Rules for Participation in an Aussie Deaf Kids Online Support Group

Aussie Deaf Kids online support groups are for parents of hearing impaired and deaf children living in Australia. Their children have a range of hearing loss and use different forms of communication. We respect the choices made by each parent for their child.

The groups are primarily for parents only and aim to provide a friendly and supportive environment for them to discuss issues, ideas and concerns about raising their deaf child. Open and honest communication is encouraged within the online groups, but always be aware of how your words may impact on others. Parents are in different phases of their journey so please be patient and kind with other users and respect other individuals’ opinions, statements, ideas, and shared story or experiences, even when they may be quite different to your own. s.

Every family is different and their experience of hearing loss is unique. What works for one family and child will not automatically work for another family, no matter how similar their experience may sound to you. The most helpful thing you can do for them is to let them know “what worked for me”, and let them decide for themselves if it might work for them too. Offer support – not advice.

Please respect the confidentiality of other group members.

Please note: The views expressed by members of the group are not necessarily the views of Aussie Deaf Kids.

Rules for professionals

Some parents also have a professional role within the sector and their knowledge and expertise is valued. However, we request that parents who also work within the sector:

  • Identify yourself as a professional and where you work each time you post to the group. We have new members joining who will not be aware who the professionals are.
  • Please be clear about what is your personal experience and what is your professional experience when posting to the group.
  • You may not promote the service, organisation or device manufacturer you work for. You can provide information that can assist families to ask the right questions and know what is available. Information should be relevant and evidence-based when posting in your professional capacity.
  • Please be respectful of other service providers, manufacturers and organisations.
  • You may not use the group as a contact point for any research. Please contact Aussie Deaf Kids if you wish to post information about your research to the group.
Inappropriate behaviour

Some behaviours are inappropriate and will not be tolerated in the Aussie Deaf Kids online groups. Breach of any of the points below will result in your being warned and/or removed from the online group without further notice.

  • We do not allow discussions that are intolerant of the choices that other parents make or provoke intolerance. The groups are to support and inform parents. If it is believed that the end result of a discussion will lead to intolerant and inflammatory comments, the post will be deleted.
  • You must not post anything which could jeopardise a child’s safety or wellbeing.
  • This is a not-for-profit website and you may not sell or advertise anything on the group page or message members to sell or advertise any product or service, including fundraising activities for other not-for-profit organisations.
  • You must not post any statement which you know is false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, libellous, or in violation of any law.
  • You must not post any statement, ask questions or use language which may be construed as offensive, harassing, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive or invasive of a person’s privacy. This includes no swear words or abbreviated swear words.
  • You must not post any statement that may be construed as discriminatory on the basis of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion or any other form of illegal discrimination. If you believe someone else is behaving or posting inappropriately, please email Aussie Deaf Kids and the behaviour will be addressed.
  • Topics that are unrelated to hearing loss are prohibited. Strong political or religious sentiments are prohibited. If it is believed that the end result of a discussion will be political or religious (with no relation to children with hearing loss), the post will be removed.
  • If you believe someone else is behaving or posting inappropriately, please report the post and the behaviour will be addressed. Notification is strongly encouraged—we need your help to keep up the quality that Aussie Deaf Kids is known for. In no case should a user respond to a situation personally, thereby aggravating the situation further. Responding to a violation in an inflammatory manner is a violation in itself and will result in appropriate action.
  • If a member receives private messages from group members that can be construed as abusive, harassing or threatening, the Moderators should be notified and evidence of inappropriate message provided. Members who send these messages will be contacted and their membership of the group reviewed. Members sending private messages to other group members that are deemed abusive, harassing or threatening, will be removed from the group.
  • Members posting messages on behalf of banned members will be removed from the group. 
  • Moderators and the administrator have the final say on anything. If you have a problem, you may make a complaint to them directly.  Please do not post it in the group as it will be removed.
  • If you ever need clarification on any part of our Terms and Conditions or have a question, suggestion, feedback, or a problem with the group, please feel free to contact a moderator directly to ensure that it receives the proper attention. Please do not post it in the group as it will be removed.
Consequences of breaching these rules

If you breach the rules or engage in ‘Inappropriate Behaviour’ you will be warned and/or removed from the online group without further notice.

For other lesser breaches of the rules, a moderator will contact you and when he/she is satisfied you understand what the problem was and will not intentionally breach the rules again, you will be able to return to the online group. If you breach the rules again, you may be removed from the online group.

The decision to block, ban and remove posts ultimately lies with the CEO of Aussie Deaf Kids.

If you have any queries, concerns or require further information relating to these Terms and Conditions, you are invited to email Aussie Deaf Kids.

Last updated: 27th Sep, 2024




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