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Finding a cause for your child's hearing loss

A/Prof Valerie Sung discusses the medical options available to families in Australia to find out the cause of their child’s hearing loss. These include medical imaging, genetic testing and testing for cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Associate Professor Valerie Sung is a paediatrician at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Clinician Scientist Fellow and Team Leader at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne.

Valerie’s research aims to answer important questions that families ask when their child is diagnosed with a hearing loss and to find ways to help deaf and hard of hearing children reach their best outcomes and potentials.

Valerie chairs the Childhood Hearing Australasian Medical Professionals Network which developed national guidelines for managing childhood hearing loss. She is a committee member of the Australian Newborn Hearing Screening Committee, editorial panel member of the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, and member of the Paediatrics and Child Health Research Committee of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. She was awarded a L’Oréal-UNESCO Australia-New-Zealand For Women in Science Fellowship in 2019.

The following is information for parents developed by the CHAMP group.

Life insurance products and genetic testing in Australia.

In Australia genetic information, which includes your personal medical history and results of genetic tests and information about the health of your parents, children, brothers and sisters can have implications for life insurance policies. Read more…

  • Sung, V., Downie, L., Paxton, G. A., Liddle, K., Birman, C. S., Chan, W. W., Cottier, C., Harris, A., Hunter, M., Peadon, E., Peacock, K., Roddick, L., Rose, E., Saunders, K., & Amor, D. J. (2019). Childhood Hearing Australasian Medical Professionals network: Consensus guidelines on investigation and clinical management of childhood hearing loss. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 55(9), 1013-1022. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpc.14508 
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  • Downie, L., Halliday, J., Burt, R., Lunke, S., Lynch, E., Martyn, M., Poulakis, Z., Gaff, C., Sung, V., Wake, M., Hunter, M. F., Saunders, K., Rose, E., Lewis, S., Jarmolowicz, A., Phelan, D., Rehm, H. L., Amor, D. J., & Melbourne Genomics Health, A. (2020, 2020/05/01). Exome sequencing in infants with congenital hearing impairment: a population-based cohort study. European Journal of Human Genetics, 28(5), 587-596. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41431-019-0553-8 
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