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Hannah tells her story

Hi my name is Hannah.  I am 10 years old and live in WA with my Mum and Dad and little brother. I have unilateral hearing loss on my right side. I was born with this type of hearing loss and my Mum and Dad only found out about my hearing loss when I was five years old.

Neither of my inner ears are formed properly and this has caused my hearing loss but for some reason only my right side hearing is bad. I have to have regular auditory tests to keep an eye on my left side hearing and make sure I am coping ok with everything.

I am in Year 5 and at the moment I do not have any devices that I use for my hearing loss. I have to be responsible for where I place myself in the classroom and where I sit in class discussions. I manage very well at school but there are times when I have to leave the classroom or assembly area, this is usually when there is loud music or noise.

I have 5 kids including me at my school with hearing loss. They all have devices for their hearing. I am very close with a girl who has hearing loss at my school. She is only 6 years old and has recently had an operation on her hearing.   

I play sport and I like to listen to music. Sometimes I have to have my volume to a certain level otherwise it’s too loud for me. I have a whole lot of family and friends who have given me so much support.

I believe that my hearing loss makes me special and makes me who I am.

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