Loud music can be dangerous

Loud music or noise can still cause injury to someone who is deaf or hard of hearing. Even though children who are D/HH need sound to be louder to hear it clearly, Audiologists treat the risk of hearing damage from loud noise the same in children with or without hearing loss. When listening to music […]

Learning musical instruments

With the right support, kids with hearing loss are fully capable of learning and playing music. Here are some tips when selecting and learning a musical instrument: Start with percussive instruments or instruments that present pitches in a logical manner. On a piano you can see how pitch is presented. Establish whether your child would […]

Enjoy music

Singing, dancing and banging out a noisy rhythm are part of the joy of childhood. Children who are deaf or hard of hearing can enjoy and benefit from music too! Research at Macquarie University has found that music has therapeutic benefits for children with hearing loss. Music training can improve communication skills, regulate emotions and […]




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