Decisions – it’s okay to change them

As parents, we want to make the best decisions for our children. We gather information from various sources and then make our educated choices. When it comes to young children who are deaf or hard of hearing, there are big decisions to be made – method of communication, whether to aid or implant, choosing a […]

Couch potato or bookworm

Parents need to consider how much they influence the future behaviour of their children by setting an example. Children tend to copy their parents’ behaviour. If parents are readers, their children will be apt to read. There is strong evidence that children raised in families that enjoy reading and writing as an activity are inclined […]

Remember to enjoy time together over Christmas

The festive season is the perfect time for families to take a break from the stresses of everyday life and spend quality time together. So, don’t forget to take some time to create positive experiences and find joy in the little things, and in each other’s company. Download the Real Life Tips infographic.  

Making Christmas deaf friendly

Christmas is an exciting time for children, but for deaf and hard of hearing kids, it can also be very stressful and tiring due to being surrounded by more people and more noise. Here are some of the adjustments you can do to make Christmas deaf friendly: Use tablecloths to minimise the sound of cutlery […]

Turning 18

As your child who is deaf or hard of hearing approaches adulthood, important actions may need to be taken to assist them in moving forward as an independent adult. Individual Transition Plan – for school leavers is a tool used in some states to assist students with disabilities and additional learning needs in preparing for […]

Transition to post-school education and employment

Young people who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) can face challenges when leaving school. They will need knowledge and skills to overcome the barriers they may encounter in training, at TAFE or university, and at work. Learning skills such as self-advocacy and developing social capital before they leave school can assist in the […]

Successfully navigating Individual Education Plans

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is a written statement that outlines the goals, strategies, and adjustments needed to meet a student’s unique educational needs. The IEP is important in helping students reach their full potential! The plan is developed collaboratively by a team of people who are invested in the […]




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